Monday, October 04, 2004


I like to consider myself rational, but I don't think that is always the case. I like to think I exhibit the attributes of someone born under the star sign scorpio, and not under virgo. I do things that I consider will result in some 'good', but sometimes cannot articulate what good means. Many many times in my career there have been design discussions where someone will say 'why should we do it like this' and I have only been able to say something unexpressive like 'because it is more elegant'. I'm always struggling to articulate the tacit knowledge I've built up.

This means I like to be in an environment where I'm allowed to communicate irrational things, where I don't have to follow scientific method all the time. On the other hand I've just prescribed the opposite in a meeting I've been reshaping. Before reshaping there was discussion, ideas, but nothing done. Afterwards, ideas cannot be raised in the meeting without the originator producing a brief written case for the idea ahead of time. Now we have some discussion, ideas, and things are getting done. It's not the scientific method I admire, it's the desire to have informed debate and action. In this case a rational approach worked, but it can never be the be all and end all.